Monday, July 13, 2015

If Nothing Could Stop Me

If nothing could stop me,
I'd live free of the fear of people's responses.
I wouldn't shy away from having an opinion because
I'd know that my opinion was just as valuable as others'.

I would treat myself better.
I wouldn't let others tell me
what should or shouldn't be important to me.

I would know that I have value.
I wouldn't be timid about standing up for what I want
because I know that my
wants and desires
are as important as anyones.

If nothing cold stop me
I'd start singing again.

I'd fill the house with
beautiful music
that stirred my soul,
as loud as I pleased.

I'd dance like David
oblivious to what I looked like
or who may be watching.

I wouldn't worry about disaster,
the future or money.

I'd spend it like it was going out of style.
I'd throw parties
and be choosy
about the clothes that I wore
rather than what I found at garage sales.
My purses and shoes
wouldn't be hand-me-downs.
My roof wouldn't leak
and my floors wouldn't be uneven.

I'd work jobs that I enjoyed
and if I didn't enjoy them
or they weren't for me,
well then,
I'd smile and say so;
no big deal,
there will be a new opportunity tomorrow.

If nothing could stop me,
I'd open businesses of my own and
make my own schedule.
I'd work hard but always make time to
enjoy life.

I'd walk away from my life now;
not looking back,
not afraid of starting over with nothing,
Because nothing could stop me.

So what is stopping me........ besides me?


  1. Nothing is stopping us besides ourselves, to be the answer to the riddles of life. WE are the answer.

  2. Yes. And our enemy is only as big as our fear. Sometimes that's pretty big! Lol. I just have to keep-keeping on, one step at a time, until I can run.
    I just finished painting a mural on the side of the firehall in our village. It's the largest one I've done to date. I had to use this same philosophy--don't dwell on it, don't reason, don't think too much. I just worked on it everyday, giving the God of all inspiration praise until it was done. I couldn't have finished otherwise.

  3. Oh Christianne, i am barely seeing this reply here.....brilliant thoughts here that you have. We have to simply let go, don't we! I think I will never truly grasp this concept in this life; I think that with every stroke of the brush, every tap of the computer key (used to be the pen then the typewriter!) we must TRUST in ourselves and ultimately in our partnership with GOD, the giver of the gifts. He gave us the gift, we are the technicians who set the ball rolling.

    Thank you for coming to visit my post. May kindness be clothed with the flesh and face of CHRISTIANNE, always.

